Healing is worth more than money can buy...
Anyone who has struggled with chronic illness, or had to watch their loved ones struggle with disability and disease, knows that.
"I would pay a million dollars for the healing I received tonight!" exclaimed a woman to Rafi.
Who can put a price on healing? It's more valuable than rubies and gold.
Health represent your life, time, health, relationships, and productivity. The value of your health is beyond measure.
No wonder the Bible says in 3 John 1:2 "May you proper and BE IN HEALTH even as your soul prospers" because YOU are worth more than fine treasure.
& inspired HEALING MUSIC
The GOD WANTS YOU WELL! audio/cd
has never been duplicated
With spectacular music by The London Symphony Orchestra
Rafi's original Healing Scriptures audio CD with Bible scriptures, prayers for healing, healing music,and the power to HEAL
Played in Healing Rooms & hospitals across the country
It's like nothing you've ever heard. Beautiful & wonderful to listen to...
Prayers for the sick...to foster HEALING
This CD audio carries a supernatural anointing for healing miracles. It is used in prayer rooms and hospital rooms to bring in the power for healing miracles from God. It will help build your faith to receive healing!
I asked Rafi Cohen why he made the CD...
"I believe it was definitely an inspiration from God, and a way to get the healing anointing -the healing work - out to more people. In the 1980s God put in my heart the idea of a Healing CD with the power to produce miracle healing and turn disease around in people's lives. Then He went even further, He put a blueprint of the CD inside me. In the year 2000, with the help of many people, the album was professionally produced and released."
When did you start doing healing ministry?
In the 1970s. I truly believe the Scriptures in this album and I saw countless people healed by the supernatural power of God when I ministered these Words to them.
What do you think is important about the CD?
The simplicity and the power that is combined with the Words.
What would you like to tell people about it
This is strong medicine. It is strong and can bring a dramatic change in your life."
What kind of feedback have you gotten about the Scripture Healing Audio CD?
"Many people have told me that they have received healing, increase in faith, and a vision and knowledge of God in a new way from listening to the CD."
Why is it used in Healing Rooms?
"It captures the healing philosophy and theology, and contains within it the values of healing. It brings an anointing of healing into the sick room and increase faith for healing not only for sick people, but also for those praying for them."
How do you recommend the Healing CD / audio to be used?
Rafi says "This Healing SCRIPTURE CD is strong medicine."
Rafi recommends 4 steps in using the Healing CD:
- "Play it often."
You want to get its contents deep inside you.
- "Listen to it carefully."
The words in the CD are lifechanging and will bring healing.
Listen to them deliberately and frequently.
- "Then keep it on in the background."
The sounds and music of the CD/ audio and the eternal Word on it will impact the environment where it is played.
- "Take it as strong medicine."
Set up a routine for partaking of the Healing CD.
It IS strong medicine. Treat it that way.
"I often minister by satellite in Pakistan and we reguarly see healing miracles of God at each service. We also see that at the services we lead in America. Healing miracles just don't seem to get much attention here in America. People may say "Thank you," and they are very happy to see sickness and disease leave. But the healing miracles often receive little attention afterward."
Here is a link to some testimonies we have received from people touched by our ministry...
Many people Rafi meets in America & Canada COULD be healed
Sometimes Rafi sees people he knows could be touched by God for healing. He senses God's presence to minister healing to them. He often approaches them and offers to pray for healing for them -- even total strangers. I notice he is always watching people. Why, I asked him some years ago? He told me he was looking to see which people could be miraculously healed right now.
Many people don't understand how healing ministry works. They think the more people there are praying, the better. We received an email where a person hoped they could get "everyone in the world" to pray for a sick little boy.
So when Rafi offers to pray for some people, they will say,
"But I've Already Been Prayed for..."
Sure you can have lots of people pray for you. But God has put "gifts of healing in the church" (1 Cor.12:9, 28) and anointed apostles who regularly function in healing. It isn't a once in awhile thing; it is a gifting that God set in place to bless people. And it is NORMAL for people to receive healing when those gifted to minister it are present.
Rafi yearns to go forth and see God heal people as he ministers. That is why for years Rafi has been a traveling minister.
He is the kind of person who would be very unhappy NOT to minister these wonderful miracles in Jesus Name. I know that every day he prays that the healing gift will increase in him and that more and more people will be healed through his ministry. That is the way he responsibly cares for the gift of God in him. It is how he gives glory to God.
And you can be assured that God labored for years deep into the lives of these people to train them up in healing ministry.
Rafi is gifted to Never Give Up.
He truly believes that God wants everyone well, and I have never seen him give up on anyone.
"Stick with it until you find the right way to receive your healing."
Rafi has imparted the healing ministry to thousands of ministers
During the 1980s, 1990s and into the 2000s, Rafi laid hands on several thousand of pastors and ministers to impart the healing anointing. He also taught the original GOD WANTS YOU WELL! series and has distributed the GOD WANTS YOU WELL! scripture notes that has been spread around the world.
Sometimes Rafi will go to a church to minister and the leadership will get so excited by the spiritual atmosphere present in their church that they hardly give him time to minister. What? That sounds so strange! But here is what is happening. Rafi walks in a miracle anointing and a healing anointing. When he arrives to lead a healing conference in a church, often the leaders will notice the power of God is present in a special way. Often though, they don't realize that this is the anointing Rafi carries with him. So the pastor may start to minister, extend worship, bask or "soak" in God's presence... and wind up just allowing a few minutes at the end of the service for Rafi to preach God's word. Then when it is time when God would powerfully confirm what Rafi has preached with signs and wonders, some pastors instead stop the service BEFORE ministry time, because they made the people stay so late! WHAT A HEART BREAK FOR RAFI WHEN HE SENSES WHAT GOD REALLY HAD INTENDED FOR THE PEOPLE. It is tasting a snack when you could have had a life-changing, satisfying meal.
The original: GOD WANTS YOU WELL! audio/cd has not been duplicated.
Produced with spectacular music by the London Symphony Orchestra.
The classic original Healing Scriptures audio CD with Bible scriptures, prayers for healing, beautiful healing music,and anointed from God to HEAL
It's like nothing you've ever heard. Beautiful and wonderful to listen to...
Played in hospitals & Prayer Rooms across the country...
Prayers for the sick...to foster HEALING
This CD audio carries a supernatural anointing for healing. It is used in prayer rooms and hospital rooms to bring in the power for healing from God. It will help build your faith to receive healing!
Rafi can sense when God is present to heal and when it is not yet the time. HE CAN SENSE WHEN THE HEALING GIFTS ARE BEING FULLY RELEASED. He can also sense when the healing gift is functioning through other people present and will invite them to minister.
Some people phone Rafi or say they were too busy --or too sick-- to attend his healing meeting. Would he kindly just pray for them over the phone or come visit their home. God certainly can heal people any time and any place. Rafi has noticed though that the HEALING MEETING IS IMPORTANT. The worship is important to enter God's presence AND TO PREPARE THE ROOM FOR GOD'S WORK. The preaching of the Word of God is critical for building people's faith to receive. The giving of good gifts in the offering is important for coming before God with the right attitude of heart. Each believing person present at the healing meeting does their part in welcoming God's presence for healing.
So people err when they think all that matters is to call Rafi to pray or have him stop by the house. Great preparation and constant attention goes into maintaining a vital healing ministry where the healing gifts flow from the anointed vessel like Rafi to needy people.
Jesus is the healer
That's because Jesus is the healer. Rafi is a man. He can say this or that and hope it will happen. But GOD says that when His Word is preached He will do signs and wonders to confirm it. THAT is something Rafi KNOWS is true, and why he asks people if at all possible, to come to the meetings, and not depend on him for their healing.
Even so, when situations truly prevent people from attending the meetings, over and over we see God heal through Rafi's prayers. "The prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
It is not some long prayer he does.
He commands or speaks and it happens. It is a God-given authority and gift.
What if healing doesn't happen?
Some people have missing limbs they want restored, or cancerous kidneys that needs to be supernaturally replaced. Rafi says that replacement of missing limbs is actually a miracle and not a healing gift. Minimally, Rafi virtually always see illness stop progressing when he ministers. I would say it is the exception to NOT see that happen. The change may take place over weeks or months, but if people think about it, they can see the date of his ministry was the turning point in their health.
Where are the other nine who were healed?
When Jesus healed the 10 lepers, only one returned to thank Him. We regularly hear from people years after Rafi ministered to them that they were healed: the cancer left, the hip replacement surgery was cancelled. They are alive and were supposed to die. The brain tumor is gone.
Often it is just in passing that they happen to tell us of their healing. So very few return to say thank you, and even less take the time to write up a testimonial to share with others... probably less than 1 in 500 people. We so appreciate people who take the time to let us know the fruit of the healing ministry.
For many ministers, they have sacrificed tremendously, given up successful secular careers, and paid handsomely to minister their gifts to others. In these days some go into debt to be able to continue ministering to the needy people seeking their help. Unbeknownst to many people, ministers' families often pay a huge cost to enable the ministry to continue. To deprive these ministers of the offerings that people would so like to give to support their ministries is, I believe, of grave concern before God. To say that ministers should teach and minister and not receive back from the people is not Scriptural.
The priests of Israel were originally called by God to serve before Him, first in the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Later in the permanent Temple built in Jerusalem. In the Book of Exodus God said He was taking the tribe of Levi as a permanent thing... to minister to Him permanently, to not function as regular people in the world, and to not have the customary earthly possessions. They were to minister to God full time and teach the children of Israel His ways.
From among the Levites God chose Aaron and his sons and their descendants for a "High Priesthood." They alone would be allowed into the presence of the LORD OF HOSTS -- whose fiery consuming presence dwelt between the Cherubim of the Ark.
The priests of Israel were to minister in God's holy presence. Jesus Christ veiled that fiery presence when He came to earth as a human. Now He is preparing a people who will be able to dwell in His Presence when He returns with the fullness of who He is fully revealed. What changed people we will need to be to be with Him!
RAFI IS A DIRECT DESCENDENT OF ISRAEL'S HIGH PRIESTHOOD. That is what the name "Cohen" represents. On his Hebrew birth certificate his last name actually reads "Ha Cohen" which is a term that was used to refer to the High Priesthood.
Several places in the Bible it says that before Jesus returns, He will again restore some of the Levites to ministry before Him. Every serious student of Scripture know that the Levites and High Priests failed in their assignments in Bible times. Aaron for example led the people in worship of the golden calf. At a certain point in Scripture God said He was removing the Levites and priests from their position, from honor, and so forth.. and that has happened.
But God also said as THE LORD OF HOSTS that one day He would restore. In the days of His return He would purge the Levites and restore right order among His people Israel.
The High Priesthood did not only offer sacrifices
They tended the sick, doctored, and prayed for healing to the mighty LORD OF HOSTS, God of Israel. They also walked in great authority.
In these days, as the fullness of time draws near, we have wondered if the anointing that rests on Rafi has something do to with his being a descendant of the high priesthood of Israel, a descendant who knows the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as His King.
Yes, He is. He has a spiritual priesthood for spirit people (Book of Hebrews.) The priesthood for fleshly or carnal people is still wrapping up on earth. This is the priesthood the Levites were called to.
In the Bible it also says in the endtimes God will call some righteous Levites into His service again.
Aren't all believers high priests?
Peter was talking to the dispersed tribes of Israel in 1 Peter when he called them a nation of priests. As God-fearing Jewish people trained up in the Holy Scriptures of their day (which was the Old Testmanent) they knew that he was referring to Exodus when God called the nation Israel into existence and included within it a mighty priesthood to minister before Him.
Martin Luther taught that all believers in Christ are priests and so they need no earthly priesthood. He was strongly anti-semitic and taught that it was fine to do away with the Jewish people and their places of worship. He had no understanding that Israel was a longterm project of God and that it would have a paramount role in the endtimes.
In this vein, the Levites are part of the restoration of Israel. We believe it is yet to be revealed by God how this all works together in Christ. And we wonder at the great calling to healing and medicine that has rested on many Jewish people (descendents of the Levites?) to this day...as well as the supernatural gifting that a person like Rafi has been endowed by God with.
Yet the mystery here is that, yes, indeed, all believers in Christ are privileged to minister unto Him as priests AND to minister healing. See if the Healing Scriptures CD would be a special help that God has raised up to assist you and your dear ones receive their healing.
tags: Bible verses, New Testament, Old Testament, healing, Scriptures, divine healing, god healing
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